About Us

Kentwood Films International is a multi-faceted film production house based in the United States of America. At Kentwood Films we expose the world to spectacular stories through our films, music videos and a plethora of other productions. Our team of skilled artists produce, compose, design, shoot and edit every necessary component to bring stories to life.

 Founded by Romeo Kattookaran in 2019, Kentwood Films International is the trusted production house of its clients and audience. With his visionary thinking, tremendous experience and commitment to excellence, creativity and innovation, Romeo Kattookaran is a leading film-maker in the United States of America. Kentwood Films International has won several prestigious international awards and recognition for its film productions.

 Kentwood Films International is future-oriented while building next-generation distribution scenarios in the present to stand as a thought leader in the production industry.

Our Vision

To establish a global foothold by pioneering great productions, cinematic trends and  in diverse territories.

Our Mission

To bring stories to life with our exceptional production capabilities.

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