From Stories to Life...



Devil’s Breath,” a feature film penned and directed by Romeo Kattookaran, centers on the disturbing vanishings of children in multiple American cities, instilling nationwide fear. To tackle this urgent issue, the FBI…

Our Productions


A Wonderful Day

A heartwarming drama of kindness and transformations – ‘A wonderful day’ has won 14 international film awards. In the city of Grand Rapids, a homeless community is receiving surprise gifts from a stranger ...


When the world was shut and gradually dying, there were heroes in white coats rescuing lives from an in-visible, untraceable enemy COVID19.Our film ‘Mary’ is a tribute to those heroes....

Never Stop Climbing

Never Stop Climbing is a music video for everyone who is looking for motivation to step ahead in life. It’s about taking a leap of faith and working tooth and nail to achieve your goals. The video is about....

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Kentwood Films International

Kentwood Films International is a multi-faceted film production house based in the United States of America. At Kentwood Films we expose the world to spectacular stories through our films, music videos and a plethora of other productions. Our team of skilled artists produce, compose, design, shoot and edit every necessary component to bring stories to life.



Romeo Kattookaran

Romeo kattookaran is an international award winning writer, producer and independent filmmaker whose work has been appreciated and recognized at film festivals worldwide. Romeo’s passion for film-making began back in motherland – India. The Indian cinema exposed…

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Our Team

Our team is a perfect blend of Creative minds and qualified professionals. It has its members around the globe

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